Since 2012, CATA has been holding regional theology conferences (usually in the Fall) in conjunction with a theological college or seminary in Canada or the United States.
The next regional CATA theology conference will be held on October 20-21, 2017 (Friday evening, all-day Saturday) co-sponsored with Northeastern Seminary, in Rochester, NY.

This will be the first regional theology conference formally under the new name, the Canadian-American Theological Association.
Our keynote speaker will be Richard Mouw, Professor of Faith and Public Life at Fuller Theological Seminary (where he previously served as President for twenty years).
Dr. Mouw is the author of numerous books, including Uncommon Decency: Christian Civility in an Uncivil World (rev. ed. IVP, 2010), (Eerdmans, 2014), and his autobiography, Adventures in Evangelical Civility: A Lifelong Quest for Common Ground (Brazos, 2016).
The topic of Dr. Mouw’s lectures (which is also the theme of the conference), is Evangelical Theology: New Challenges, New Opportunities.
Dr. Mouw will explore the continuing value of the term “Evangelical” in the twenty-first century, while tracing the history of its meaning and usage over the past hundred years.
There will be two lectures:
- A public lecture on Friday evening, October 20: New Challenges for Evangelical Theology
- The Keynote Lecture for the conference on Saturday, October 21: New Opportunities for Evangelical Theology
You may download the call for papers here (the deadline for proposals has been extended to June 16).
Further information will be made available on the dedicated Northeastern Seminary website for the conference. The site will include online registration as we get closer to the conference.