CATA Constitution

Revised 2017

Preamble: Rooted in the evangelical tradition and recognizing the need to provide a context in which scholars with a common commitment to the Christian faith may make scholarly contributions to the renewal of theology and the church in Canada and the USA, we agree to establish an association in accordance with the following guidelines:

  1. Name: The association shall be called: The Canadian-American Theological Association (hereafter “the Association”)
  1. Purpose: The Association shall provide a forum for scholarly contributions to the renewal of theology and biblical interpretation for the sake of the church in Canada and the USA. The Association shall promote theological work which seeks to be loyal to Christ and the Gospel, faithful to the primacy and authority of Scripture, and responsive to the guiding force of the historic ecumenical creeds of the Christian Church, particularly the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed. This purpose is to be achieved through such activities as regional and national meetings and the regular publication of a journal.
  1. Membership: The membership of the Association shall be open to scholars, pastors, and other interested persons who are in agreement with the purpose of the Association. Categories of membership shall be determined by the Executive Committee of the Association.
  1. Executive Committee: The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Communications Officer, Website/Media Coordinator, and Member-at-Large/Student Representative, and other officers as may be determined by the Association. Together with the Editor of the Canadian-American Theological Review, these shall constitute the CATA Executive.

The Vice-President shall serve for a one-year term, automatically becoming the President the following year. The President shall serve for a two-year term, followed by one year as President Emeritus (an advisory role), and shall not be eligible for re-election.

The Secretary-Treasurer, the Communications Officer, the Website/ Media Coordinator, and the Member-at-Large/Student Representative shall each serve for a two-year or three-year term and each may succeed himself or herself once during a period of continuous tenure. The election of Executive Officers shall take place at an annual meeting of the Association or through internet voting.

  • The President shall chair the Executive and shall oversee planning for the national and regional meetings of the Association.
  • The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date membership list, overseeing CATA financial transactions, including receiving and processing memberships, sending payments to Congress, and working with the host institution on registrations for the Fall regional conference.
  • The Communications Officer shall be in charge of communicating with the membership and other interested persons concerning upcoming events, including sending out the Call for papers, and overseeing the mailing of the Canadian-American Theological Review (both digital and hard copies).
  • The Website/Social Media Coordinator shall be responsible for the development and updating of the CATA website, including posting past issues of the Canadian-American Theological Review. The use of social media to publicize CATA and its conferences to a larger public is also encouraged.

Affirmation of the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed is a requirement of nomination and election to the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee shall meet at least once each year for business and planning. Other meetings or conference calls may be organized from time to time as necessary.

  1. Meetings: The Association shall meet at least once per year in a regional conference co-sponsored by and held on the campus of a seminary or theological college in Canada or the USA. The Association will also attempt to continue meeting under the umbrella of the Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences.
  1. Membership Fees: There will be an annual fee for membership in the Association, which will be set by a vote of the members at a duly called business meeting of the Association. The membership fee is for one calendar year (January to December) and includes a digital subscription to the Canadian-American Theological Review. Up-to-date membership in the Association shall be required in order to present a paper at a CATA sponsored conference. However, the Executive may waive this requirement in special circumstances.
  1. Banking Arrangements: All monies received by or on behalf of the Association shall be recorded and deposited in a bank to be named by the Treasurer and approved by the Executive Committee, All cheques issued on behalf of the Association shall be signed by either the Secretary-Treasurer or the President.
  1. Co-operative Relations: The Association seeks co-operative relationships with other societies with similar purposes or engaged in related activities, and encourages its members to be involved in groups such as the Canadian Theological Society, the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, the Society of Biblical Literature, The Institute for Biblical Research, The Wesleyan Theological Society, and the Evangelical Theological Society.
  1. Amendments: Amendments to this Constitution may be made by the CATA membership through a two-thirds majority vote of respondents to an Internet survey. Notice of any proposed amendment shall be forwarded in writing to the members of the Association at least thirty (30) days prior to voting.