The Jack and Phyllis Middleton Memorial Award for Excellence in Bible & Theology is open for submissions. This is an award that is given to the best essay by a theological student or non-tenured faculty member from among the papers presented at the fall CATA conference. More information on submissions can be found here.
2018 Fall Conference Announced
“Peace and Violence in Scripture and Theology”
An interdisciplinary Conference Sponsored by
the Canadian-American Theological Association (CATA) and Wycliffe College
Saturday October 20, 2018
Location: Wycliffe College, 5 Hoskin Avenue Toronto On M5S 1H7. Participants are also encouraged to attend Wycliffe’s Scripture and Theology Symposium Friday October 19.
The faculty and administration of Wycliffe College, in conjunction with the Canadian-American Theological Association (CATA), welcome proposals for papers to be presented at an interdisciplinary theology conference at Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto. This Call for Papers goes out to established scholars or practitioners in the theological disciplines, as well as to graduate students, post-docs, and pre-tenured faculty.
Our keynote speaker is Dr. Gordon K. Oeste, the Teaching Pastor at Cedar Creek Community Church in Cambridge, Ontario. Dr. Oeste is the author of Legitimacy, Illegitimacy, and the Right to Rule: Windows on Abimelech’s Rise and Demise in Judges 9 and is co-authoring a book on warfare in the Bible.
Dr. Oeste will deliver the keynote lecture, Feasting with the Enemy: Redemptive Readings of Biblical War Texts. In line with the topic of Dr. Oeste’s lecture, we invite submission of high quality papers on any topic related to the broad theme of “Peace and Violence in Scripture and Theology,” though papers falling outside this area will also be considered.
We welcome papers from all theological disciplines, including biblical, historical, systematic, philosophical, moral, or pastoral theology, and theology that engages culture, the church, or other academic fields. Papers should be scholarly but not highly specialized presentations of about 25 minutes, aimed at an audience of students, pastors, and faculty from across the spectrum of theological disciplines. Proposals should be approximately 250 words in length. Please prepare them for blind review and submit as an email attachment, accompanied by a short curriculum vitae or resumé in a separate file. To facilitate anonymous review of proposals, please include your name, institutional affiliation, contact information, and the title of your proposal in the body of your email.
All proposals should be submitted electronically as file attachments in *DOC, *ODT, or *RTF format to the address below. Please title your email “CATA Proposal.” Please email conference paper proposals to Marion Taylor at by July 30, 2018. Papers chosen for participation will be notified by August 30, 2018.
Graduate students, post-docs, and pretenured faculty are invited to submit finished papers by September 20 for the Jack and Phyllis Middleton Award for Excellence in Bible and Theology.
Co-sponsored by: Wycliffe College and The Canadian-American Theological Association Location: Wycliffe College, 5 Hoskin Avenue, Toronto M5S 1H7.
Room Changes for Spring 2018 Meeting
The room assignments have changed since the initial schedule for the Spring Conference at Regina. The revised schedule can be found here: